Ada 的拼布小站/Ada's quilting room



網上看到的獨立日壁飾/An Independence Day wall quilt saw on the net

最近不知是因為天氣太熱還是甚麼原因﹐ 一直都懶懶的總提不起勁來做拼布。 今天是美國的獨立日﹐ 在網上看到一個壁飾名字叫Bill & Floyd
Celebrate July 4th 滿可愛放上來跟大家分享。這是由一本名叫Quick Quilts的拼布雜誌今年所提供的免費紙形。可能愛貓的拼布人一定會特別喜歡吧﹗ Happy Independence Day !

早前在Kin 那邊看到blogspot自己可以有上傳相片的工能﹐ 這次就試試看﹐ 真很快﹐ 而且很方便﹐ 不過就不喜歡所提供的文章和相片的排列方式所以自行更改了。

I don't know if it's due to the hot weather or not which I recently feeling so lazy that I'm not interest in doing my quilting project. Today is the America's Independenace Day. I saw a wall quilt called Bill & Floyd Celebrate July 4th which so cute that I want to share it here. This is a free pattern provided by a quilting magazine called Quick Quilts. I guess those quilters that love cats may like it. Happy Independence Day !

I noticed recently from Kin's blog that blogspot now have their own program to upload the image. So I have tried it this time, it's really quick and convenient but I don't like the way which the image is wrapped with the text so I have altered it myself.



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